Welcome to Hough & Liebenberg Paediatricians!

An established private practice dedicated to delivery evidence based family centred paediatric care. Hough & Liebenberg Paediatricians is on the cutting edge of paediatric and neonatal Located in: Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt

We are a specialist paediatric practice operating at Room 543, 5th floor, Medical Centre, Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530

Renowned for our excellent patient care and work in the fields of general paediatrics and neonatology, we, Dr Wayne Hough and Dr Hennie Liebenberg, are dedicated to delivering world-class care.

Meet the Paediatricians


Learn about Dr Hennie Liebenberg and Dr Wayne Hough.
Click to read more

Consulting Hours:

Mon – Thurs: 08:00 – 17:00
Fridays: 08:00 – 15:00
After hours: After hours emergencies are shared between ourselves and the other paediatricians associated with Louis Leipoldt Mediclinic.
For more information, or to make an appointment, please contact us at:
Tel: 021-9499316
For after hours emergencies, please contact
Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt 021 949 3681